Edward Dorrian, Rebecca Fortnum, Geoffrey Hendricks, Sigrid Holmwood, Marc Hulson, Susan Johanknecht, Katharine Meynell, Louisa Minkin, Jim Mooney, Claire Morales, Hannah Kates Morgan , Alex Schady, John Seth, Alistair Skinner, Nick Stewart, Val Sutton, Simon Wells
The Rickson's is a fanatical museum-grade replica of a U.S. MA-1 flying jacket, as purely functional and iconic a garment as the previous century produced⦠the characteristically wrinkled seams down either arm were originally the result of sewing with pre-war industrial machines that rebelled against the slippery new material, nylon. The makers of the Rickson's have exaggerated this, but only very slightly, and done a hundred other things, tiny things, as well, so that their product has become⦠the result of an act of worship. It is an imitation more real somehow than that which it emulates. William Gibson Pattern Recognition 2003
Not the point of origin or of termination but to be in the middle, part of a milieu:
1. A student in 1970's London made a transcription from a Bonnard.
2. Which red fez?
3. She made a copy of her drawing of the death mask of an unknown.
4. The drawing is a score for his actions, or the other way round?
5. Remembering the painting, she could describe it with her eyes shut.
6. Over again.
7. A page of words fills the blank abstraction of a map.
8. From a 15th Century Netherlandish portrait, The head of a girl.
9. Muc hb lood
10. In Warhol's Factory a fearful tarantula pretends to be dead.
11. He stood on his head.
12. She stood on her head.
13. Dressed as a Swedish peasant painter.
14. Explaining pictures to a dead hare.
15. What is not.
Never the origin, never inner, never outer, but always doubled.
Nature creates similarities. One need only think of mimicry. The highest capacity for producing similarities, however, is man's. His gift of seeing resemblances is nothing other than a rudiment of the powerful compulsion in former times to become and behave like something else.
Walter Benjamin On the Mimetic Faculty 1933