

Edinburgh, United Kingdom


  • 179 Cannongate
  • Edinburgh
  • Scotland
  • EH8 8RN
  • United Kingdom

Opening times

daily from 10 am

Dai Jones: Same Day My Prints Will Come
Brian Cheeswright: Ether Ore
Manuel Minch: There Is No Alternative

One of the main purposes of the internet is the possibility of accessing the information at any place, at any moment. But easiness sometimes causes a lack of action. If we can check something at any moment maybe we just leave it for later. What happens if we put restrictions on something that is supposedly not to have them? We created a digital exhibition linked to a physical space.

Skylight, in Canongate, is the venue for our next project. Dai Jones, Brian Cheesewright and Manuel Minch will show his physical works, but virtual ones as well. You can check part of the exhibition in your device, but just in Skylight and during the opening hours.
Internet pretends to break the links with the space where the device is placed, and we want to give priority to the space itself.


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