What Is She? video art screning
7 Mar 2020
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 12:00 – 18:00
- 103 Coventry Road
- Bedford
England - MK40 4EJ
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Bedford
NOHAT are delighted to invite you to our latest event: What Is She?
a video art screening showcasing work by 10 exciting international female video artists who use humour in their art. Expect to be amused, tickled, and perhaps a little confounded.
NOHAT are delighted to invite you to our latest event: What Is She?a video art screening showcasing work by 10 exciting international female video artists who use humour in their art. Expect to be amused, tickled, and perhaps a little confounded.
The event is free (donations welcome) and open to all. However, unfortunately, there is no wheelchair access to the event.
What Is She? is a sister event to What Am I? a retrospective of the cross-over between comedy and art in comedian Simon Munnery's career, curated by Andy Holden. The exhibition opens Saturday 29th February, 6-10pm, at Ex-Baldessarre 103 Coventry Road, Bedford, and will be open Saturdays until 9th May.