Notes on Communication: VOZ RARA
27 Sep 2017 – 01 May 2018
Grand Union
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Artist Alex Martinis Roe invites participants to develop further propositions for feminist political practices in dialogue with participants’ own knowledge, needs, competences, desires and contexts.
Over three days, participants will undertake a series of exercises led by artist Alex Martinis Roe that expand on proposals generated by her film project To Become Two to develop further propositions for feminist political practices in dialogue with participants’ own knowledge, needs, competences, desires and contexts. More specifically, these new propositions will attempt to foster political alliances, facilitating collaboration among distinct political engagements that nevertheless have compatible objectives.
Across six films To Become Two traces the stories of six different, yet connected, feminist groups from the 1970s to the present who have built communities in Europe and Australia. These include The Milan Women’s Bookstore co-operative; Psychanalyse et Politique, Paris; Women’s Studies at the University of Utrecht; a network in Sydney including people involved in the Sydney Filmmakers Co-operative, Feminist Film Workers, the Working Papers Collective and the Department of General Philosophy at Sydney University; and Duoda – Centro de investigación de Mujeres and Ca La Dona in Barcelona.
By using various methods such as participant observation, oral history interviewing, and archival research, Martinis Roe offers proposals for how to grapple with contemporary society through feminist methodologies. For the final film, Our Future Network(2016), Martinis Roe established a new network, which resulted in the development of twenty propositions for feminist collective and political practices.
At The Grand Union, the project will further evolve through the workshop led by Martinis Roe to explore these histories and what can be transferred into methods for collective working now.
The workshop will be anticipated by a public presentation of Alex Martinis’ projects on the 2nd of November.
To participate:
The workshops would suit those who have an interest in collective political practices and/or feminism, but an extensive knowledge of feminist history or theory is not necessary to participate. Participants must be able to participate for the full three days and be willing to undertake some preparation in advance of the workshop.
Please forward expressions of interest to annasantomauro83@gmail.com by Sunday 22nd October 5pm.
Please include:
Confirmation to commit to all dates and availability to undertake a preparatory exercise.
Brief biography (100 words)
Short statement of motivation for participation (150 words)
This event is part of VOZ RARA curated by Grand Union Curators-in-Residence Anna Santomauro and Valerio Del Baglivo.
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