

19 Mar 2024 – 30 Mar 2024

Regular hours

10:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 17:00
10:00 – 17:00

Free admission

Save Event: UnSeen

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Colonnade House

England, United Kingdom

Event map

Introducing five women artists who each work in a different medium, and have exhibited together many times.


So what is different this time? The working title of ‘UnSeen’ refers to the fact that they are all excited to be developing new and somewhat experimental work: ideas which may have been brewing for a long time, but never yet realised. A few words from each will give a taste of the different interpretations of ‘UnSeen’.

Lara Sparks

” The sewing machine is used as an artist uses a paint brush, creating unique, stitched homewares inspired by our South Downs and changing seasons. The illumination of the lampshades brings the texture of the landscapes alive, reacting with fabric and stitch to reveal unseen detail”

Jane Denman

“Unseen Expressions” invites viewers to explore hidden emotional landscapes through paintings. As an artist, Jane transforms daily experiences into visual narratives, a portal to the unseen. This exhibition unveils the power of colour and the compelling stories embedded in her art, inviting all to witness the unfolding of the unseen. 

Jessica Jordan

In interpreting the word ‘unseen’,  Jess calls to mind the patterns and textures that we pass over on our paths everyday: the wall with a small flower growing from it; the green moss in between the pavement cracks; the patterns and textures that are unseen in everyday life; the things that we pay no attention to until they are pointed out. This body of work explores the details of our world of beautiful landscape that are unseen, unheard and forgotten.

Lorraine Gibby

In this new work, Lorraine experiments with exposing seams and joins, which are usually hidden or disguised, drawing the eye with embellishment, and inviting you in to look beyond to hidden parts. Taking the time to explore the unseen facilitates an understanding of others, of objects and of our surroundings. 

Fleur Grenier RCA QEST (Queen Elizabeth Trust Scholar)

Hidden Botanicals – An exploration of nature and pewter as a medium, preserving and protecting a moment in time. Using leaves, fern fronds and lichen collected from the woodland floor. Each piece pushes the boundaries of pewter, using its intrinsic properties to create unique sculptural pieces.

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Jessica Jordan

Fleur Grenier

Jane Denman

Jane Denman

Lara Sparks

Lorraine Gibby


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