Talk: Kamila Kuc and Michael Brooke
8 May 2016
Regular hours
- Sunday
- 11:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
Full price: £5 / Friend & Concession: £4
- 1 Arkwright Road
- London
England - NW3 6DG
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- 13
- Finchley Road, Hampstead
The Themersons' 'irrational humoresque' film Adventures of a Good Citizen (1937) serves as a starting point for this illustrated discussion.
One of the most under-explored areas of experimental film is the role of playfulness within it. The Themersons' 'irrational humoresque' film Adventures of a Good Citizen (1937) serves as a starting point for this illustrated discussion. Writer, filmmaker and curator Kamila Kuc and film critic and producer Michael Brooke, debate ways in which artists and filmmakers have used humour as a subversive tool.
Supported by Art Fund