Strange Loop
13 Sep 2019 – 15 Sep 2019
Regular hours
- Fri, 13 Sep
- 19:00 – 22:00
- Sat, 14 Sep
- 15:00 – 18:3020:00 – 23:00
- Sun, 15 Sep
- 16:00 – 17:0017:00 – 20:00
Cost of entry
Installation: 5,oo euros
Performances 8 to 12 euros
Kleiner Wasserspeicher
- Eingang Diedenhofer Straße
- Berlin
Berlin - 10405
- Germany
The Month of Contemporary Music and Blind Signal present Strange Loop, a concert installation of light, sound and architecture between 13-15 September 2019.
The composer Julius Holtz and the video artist Jemma Woolmore combine their work within the structures of the kleiner Wasserspeicher in Prenzlauer Berg. The former water reservoir becomes the setting for an installation concert in which performers interact with light, architecture and spatial sound. For three days the artists explore an approach to non-linear time, blurring the boundaries between installation and concert, between hearing and seeing. The synaesthetic experience creates a heterotypic space outside of so many over-determined coordinates, algorithms, relations and markets. Outside the representation of a particular theme or concept, outside the divide of body and mind, of us and them.
The concert installation is operated in two modes: the performative mode is characterized by the interaction between the sound and light performers. In installation mode audiovisual patterns, recorded during performance, continue to evolve . There is no specific time for admission. The audience is free to enter the performance installation at any time.
Composition by Julius Holtz (music) and Jemma Woolmore (visuals), with
Hilary Jeffery: trumpet and trombone
Benjamin Jefferys: trombone
Catherine Wersuhn: self-oscillating tam-tam.
Supported by Musikfonds and initiative neue musik berlin.
13, 14 & 15.09.2019
13.09.19- Opening
19:00 bis 22:00: Live-Performance
16:00 Installation
20:00 bis 23:00: Live-Performance
16:00 bis 17:00: guided tour with the curator
17:00 bis 20:00: Installation
Contact: blindsignalberlin@gmail.com
Website: https://www.blindsignalberlin.com/strange-loop
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2331919040469876/
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/strange-loop-tickets-69045993425