
SONIA ROS - Solo Exhibition

1 Mar 2017 – 17 Mar 2017

Event times

Monday - Friday: 10:30am to 6:00pm

Cost of entry

Free entry

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Travel Information

  • Tube: Piccadilly circus, Charing cross
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Unique in the originality of its conception and powerful in its visual impact, Sonia’s painting is impeccable in the care of the detail and the balance of the whole.


Born Conegliano Treviso, Italy and graduate of Accademia delle  Belle Arte of Venice, Sonia works and lives in Vittorio Veneto Treviso – Italy.

Her sensual works are like mysterious organisms that live outside of the chronological schemes, sinuous formations stretch out and creak languidly.

Her paintings come to life in the light turning orangey blares with dark blue whispers and alternative velvety black dark notes with crystalline red trills, soft pink puffs, sharp yellow trills with resounding white explosions. 

Her works are always monumental , the ambiguity of each tickles our minds.



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Sonia Ros


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