Opening: Robert Rudigier - Ich setzte die Sonne oben Links
13 Mar 2020
Galerie Kuchling
Berlin, Germany
Robert Rudigier assemblages, derived from collected book covers that once served no purpose, now find themselves as the perfect canvas for his colour experimentations.
OPENING // 13th MARCH // 7 - 10 PM
Galerie Kuchling proudly presents it's first collaboration with Robert Rudigier. His assemblages, derived from collected book covers that once served no purpose, now find themselves as the perfect canvas for Rudigier’s colour experimentations. With a background in visual- and communication design, in Rudigier’s objects, a new function prevails over form providing a space for the material qualities to be on the frontline of attention. Along with the assemblage works, he also studies space and light through abstract architectural paintings. His aesthetic, reminiscent of early abstractionism and DeStijl movements, captures thus the very essence of Berlin.
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