Richard Whitby and Oliver Brignall - The Anchorite
13 Jul 2020
Regular hours
- Mon, 13 Jul
- 20:00 – 21:00
Timezone: Europe/London
- Language: English
- Join the event
The Anchorite is a new musical performance with integrated video focusing on an extremely wealthy individual preparing for an apocalyptic endgame, designing and equipping a safe-house within which he will be interred.
The Anchorite was conceived as a new musical performance with integrated video and was originally intended to be performed live at South Kiosk in March 2020.
In remote form, the work combines video content with improvised playing in a lyrical musical work focusing on an extremely wealthy individual preparing for an apocalyptic endgame, designing and equipping a safe-house within which he will be interred.
The work will explore themes including the radical empathic detachment of the super-rich, climate change and political upheaval. Composer and singer Oliver Brignall and artist Richard Whitby will experiment with improvised guitar and synthesiser, song, found texts and musics, CGI, physical models and field recordings.
The Anchorite will be performed live om at 20:00 BST on the 13th of July 2020.