Random Archive
20 May 2017 – 12 Aug 2017
The Random Archive exhibition features work of national and international Language Artists which are part of Bury Art Museum’s unique Text Art Archive.
Random Archive attempts to push boundaries by raising questions of how an archive can be viewed, accessed and explored. This is a unique opportunity for visitors to get up close in a gallery setting to a collection which is usually kept in store, the public will be encouraged to explore and interact with it.Working with Dr. Panayiota Vassilopoulou the Philosopher in Residence and artist Rachel Defay-Liautard the exhibition takes a look at new ways of thinking about what an archive could be in the future.
The exhibition is made up of an archive maze, a bibliomancy section, a digital archive and a Reading Room which will be curated by invited artists and writers.
Random Archive’s sister show Tricking the Impossible at MMU Special Collections Gallery will examine the collaborative relationship between the author Penny Rimbaud (former member of the English punk band and art collective Crass) and publisher Christian Brett through their work with radical book publisher Bracketpress.
Running alongside the exhibition is a series of free workshops and a symposium funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The Random Archive exhibition has been made possible through funding from Arts Council England.