Join us on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 November 2023 for a free two-day programme of open studio, workshops, tours, screenings, DJs and special events, including:
→ Open Studios with contributions from Art Law Studio, ActionSpace, Veeda Ahmed, Bamidele Awoyemi, Ain Bailey, Linda Bell, Henry Bradley, Babajide Brian, Lubna Chowdhary, Kaye Donachie, Juliette Ezaoui, Ben Gomes, Pete Gomes, Holly Graham, Anthea Hamilton, Hsi-Nong Huang, Steph Huang, Nnena Kalu, Pardip Kapil, Rene Matić, Alicia Reyes Mcnamara, Ana Milenkovic, Maz Murray, Sola Olulode, Beatrix Pang, Chandrakant Patel, Will Pham, Emily Pope, Shamica Ruddock, Lasmin Salmon, Meera Shakti Osborne, Nick Smith, Robin Smith, Kwaga Sillingi, Bolanle Tajudeen (Black Blossoms), Markus Vater, Adia Wahid, Claudia Williams, Ossie Williams and Roland Young
→ DJ sets and live music from the skins and Acolytes , curated by Solomon Garçon. Booking required.
→ A special screening of film, and moving image featuring past and current work from our studio artists
→ A curator-led tour of our current exhibition, '
Solomon Garçon, ARMS' and upcoming presentation
'In House: Bamidele Awoyemi and Adia Wahid'
→ Artisan stalls by
Troy Town Art Pottery,
La Grotta Ices,
Montez Press,
James Shaw, plus a special in-store 10% discount at
House of Voltaire
→ All ages printmaking workshop with Sadie St. Hilaire. Booking required.
→ Open Studio Library and queer language zine workshop by Beatrix Pang
→ An in-conversation with writer Lou Stoppard and artist Mary Stephenson. Booking required.
→ Book launch and in-conversation with Anthea Hamilton. Booking required.
→ A queer language battle zine workshop with Beatrix Pang, Chung Yu-Ting and Wenxi Liao. Booking required.
All events are free.