
Noble Studios Opening Exhibition

21 Oct 2016 – 22 Oct 2016

Event times

11 AM- 7 PM

Cost of entry


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Showcasing works by Joseph Reddy, Louis Schreyer and Abigail Fletcher


Noble Studios will launch the weekend starting 21st October, celebrated by a two-day opening exhibition, featuring recent series of work by Noble People’s fine-art photographers, Joseph Reddy and Louis Schreyer, alongside other works of art by in-house talent. 


Joseph Reddy | Above the Pines

Above the Pines regards Reddy’s explorations of Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, a former military base infamous for UFO sightings and its unsettling atmosphere. The 13-piece series, inspired by W.G. Sebald’s novel Rings of Saturn, reflects Reddy’s undying curiosity regarding particular (hi)stories and how they are rooted in their geographical milieus.

As Reddy admits in an interview with the British Journal of Photography, he often focuses on the uncanniness of mundane subjects, and “feels the urge to photograph and then magnify that weirdness to the viewer.” Here again, in similar vein to his previous series “Constructed Horizon”, he brings the subtleties to the forefront in order to address a collective narrative of a place.

Reddy questions the concepts of truth and examines its aura, using the lens to present his conception of Rendlesham Forest and the stories that line its present. 


Abigail Fletcher | Good Vibrations

Channeling the natural scientist, Hans Jenny, Fletcher explores the field of Cymatics - coined to describe the vibrations of sound frequencies. This process visualises sound through an interaction between matter and vibrations. As concepts, iteration and possibility are unpacked in the visual piece, exploring the multitude of outcomes that can stem from one single source. In this case, different patterns created by the driving frequency and the geometry of a cymatic plate. Through this technique, these soundscapes have been printed onto fabrics - physical manifestations of music. 


Louis Schreyer | Sin Pena

Schreyer’s latest series of works explores the social and political paradigms in Cuba following its somewhat recent movement towards a more open economy. The fine art photographer ventured to the most remote parts of the country in order to capture the true face and voice of the island. Much of the project was defined through his work away from the camera, spending much time with locals and trying to integrate himself into deeper roots of Cuban thinking and its way of life. Only here was he able to identify the real trends of society and the distinction between how tourists perceive Cuba, as opposed to its inhabitants. 

Schreyer’s series, consisting of photographs embedded into a wider visual essay, identifies the polarisation of individuals’ perception of ‘self’ and ‘other’, and how this inherently contradicts a system predicated on socialism. As a result, the artist is not surprised by Cuba’s recent attempts at integration into the world economy. However, his work questions what effect it may have on its culture, people and spirit. 

Noble People | www.noblepeople.london 


Noble People

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Joseph Reddy

Louis Schreyer

Abigail Fletcher


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