Artist Talk: Moments in Time
09 Feb 2022
Free Space Project is delighted to announce their new exhibition ‘Moments in Time’ bringing together artists Iko-Ojo Haruna Mercy Haruna and Lucy Levene.
Conceived as a two-person exhibition, it features powerful, dynamic images capturing fleeting moments in parenthood, highlighted in the title.
Iko-Ọjọ Mercy Haruna, aka Mercy is a portrait and documentary photographer dedicated to capturing the fleeting moments of family life. She focuses on stories that capture the beauty of the everyday as well as those that dive into deeper conversations about the complexities of motherhood. Her on going project “This is Home” documents the daily life of her British-Nigerian family in and around the home in Kent, since 2017. Inspired by photographs she would have loved to see of her own childhood, the images capture their connection as a family -the fleeting, unposed moments of life between the big milestones we’re accustomed to recording. “Offspring“ aims to create space for Black mothers in the UK to share their stories related to the physical and psychological changes that come with the transition into motherhood. The photographs of more visible physical changes like stretch marks, wrinkles or scars serve as a backdrop for visualising and discussing less obvious physiological changes and mental health issues that are taboo or tend to be swept under the carpet.
Lucy Levene is a London based artist & Photographer. Levene joins Mercy in showcasing her series, ‘How Long is Forever’ presenting collaborative portraits made by families, local to Levene in and around Kentish Town. The series draws inspiration on her own experience of motherhood, highlighting the feelings that occur. ‘I decided to record that very moment, which I felt nostalgic for, even as it was happening’. The series displays arial shots of families asleep in bed. ‘Before becoming a parent, the message that I received from those around me was that parenthood is relentless; that a part of me would be erased. And whilst there is truth to this, so much is missing’. Levene reveals she wanted to make a piece of work that depicts the physical and emotional intimacy of parenthood in an authentic way and to communicate to people considering parenthood that it can also be overwhelmingly joyful and funny and full of love. ‘I wanted to make a piece of work that depicts the physical and emotional intimacy of parenthood in an authentic way. Parenthood was an oddly specific shared experience amongst people from different communities and it was and is refreshing to be able to cut across boundaries with this commonality.’.
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