Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2017
30 Nov 2017 – 14 Jan 2018
- Treitlstrasse 2
- Vienna
Wien - 1040
- Austria
Marlene Maier and Olena Newkryta receive the Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2017.
The Kunsthalle Wien Prize is a project of Kunsthalle Wien in cooperation with the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
As a venue “for the variety of artistic practices in contemporary art and the accompanying contemporary discourses,” and at the same time as an urban institution, the Kunsthalle Wien pays particular attention to the city’s young and increasingly international art scene. Even if Vienna is witnessing the establishment of more and more galleries and committed off-spaces, only about 5 percent of former art students may actually succeed later on in the art market. Awarded by the public sector and by established institutions, scholarships and prizes help pave the way for younger artists as they enter the art system, a complex field mutually determined by the economies of attention and money. The Kunsthalle Wien Prize serves as a point of departure, made clear by how highly regarded the prize is by Vienna’s two art universities and by the careers of many former prizewinners.
The prize dates back to 2002, however in cooperation with both the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, a graduate from each university has been awarded the prize since 2015. The Kunsthalle Wien Prize includes the following: an exhibition of the winners’ works at the Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz, a catalogue and EUR 3,000 in prize money for each artist.