
Journal: Re-staging Precarious Task #0: Tea Drinking

27 Jun 2014

Regular hours

12:00 – 23:00

Cost of entry


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ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts)

London, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Piccadilly Circus/Charing Cross
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Event map


Participants are encouraged to bring any types of tea bags and tea leaves from their kitchen. Water will be boiled in an electric kettle and then tea made in a stovetop kettle. Once prepared, everyone will simply drink tea and chat.

Accompanying the artist's commission for Journal in the Lower Gallery, Koki Tanaka embarks on a series of events over a period of 24hrs that he refers to as 'actions'. The events are programmed within a loose framework shaped by communal involvement and group experiences of everyday rituals that refer to past iterations of his ongoing series of works entitled Precarious Tasks. Audiences are welcome to drop in and out of the events throughout the day and night.


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