Jokes, Lies and Prophesies
31 Jul 2015 – 9 Aug 2015
Regular hours
- Friday
- 16:00 – 19:0018:00 – 22:00
- Saturday
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Sunday
- 14:00 – 19:00
Cost of entry
Free entry
- HilbertRaum
- Reuterstr. 31
- Berlin
Berlin - 12047
- Germany
Six artists working with narration in art, in all its width and possibilities. From the very direct or funny to the suggestive and prophetic, the common motivation is an urgency to share a story.
Six artists tell the story of narrative art, in all its width and possibilities. Not always so hip with the curators or so slick with the market, but resonating deeply with our human need for understanding the world as a metaphor. From the surreal humour in the collages of Tobias Sternberg to the poetic anecdotes in the boxes of Petter Kreuger. From the claustrophobic scenario in the film of Nat Tafelmacher-Magnat to the covert criticism in the wall installation of Kuno Ebert. From the forbidden dreams in the paintings of Maria Bajt to the dark prophesies hidden in the photo-montages of Sarah Winter. Art can be told in many ways and we only have time to show you some, but the story is not yet at its end...