Framed Satellite MUSIC: GolNar// ART: Boyan
10 Jul 2020
Regular hours
- Fri, 10 Jul
- 19:00 – 21:00
- Simplonstraße 29
- Berlin
Berlin - 10245 Berlin
- Germany
Join us once again at our cozy salon. Framed is excited to open its doors to a live audience for an evening of music, art, and friends!
“The hypnotic polyphonic weave of Golnar Shahyar’s voice, her guitar or piano, takes place so naturally as a floating story about the diversity of life, crossing her fondling fingers over your mind and heart.” (Danas Newspaper).
Golnar Shahyar is an Iranian born vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter. She has toured internationally with her different bands and was involved in various dance, theatre, and music festival productions as an artist, curator, and educator throughout her 10 years of activities.
"Dripping Paintings" by Boyan:
"I started to make those paintings after moving to a large studio at an old cinema turned to a carpentry .Everything was covered in thick dust and I put the raw canvas on the floor to use it as carpets. Soon I started to notice different shapes that appeared on the canvas made by foot prints, cigaret ashes, and paint. Some of the shapes were very clear so I tried to paint them using wood paint . The wood paint is like water color - it's hard to control or erase and once you make a mark it's there to stay.
I try to find images hidden in the canvas by following shapes or making marks trying to create a painting that is based on an accident .