7 Sep 2019 – 29 Sep 2019
Regular hours
- Saturday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Sunday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Tuesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Wednesday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Thursday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- Friday
- 10:00 – 18:00
- kademicheskaja 62
- Kramatorsk
Donetsk Oblast - Ukraine
Short Art Residenz
Project ‘Diffusion’ came to life in 2016. It aims at bringing together artists from different spheres (film and photography, multimedia, street arts, fine arts and crafts, contemporary art performance, dance, theatre, design, drawing, etc.) to create artworks that address important social and environmental issues and preferably involve local community in development of artwork. The Residency is open for artists both from Ukraine and abroad. The culminating moment of the Residency is a final exhibition on the 8th of September in the Kramatorsk Art Museum where the artworks created during the Residency will be shown.
Kramatorsk is a small industrial, but very green town that due to geo-political turbulence became a kind of center of Southeast Ukraine.By choosing Kramatorsk as the city for the residency, the Program offers a unique experience when it comes to discovering the cultural transitions which are so characteristic to all ‘Post-Soviet’ era of the Eastern European countries. Feedback and experience of the first two editions of “Diffusion” have shown that the acclimatization process which accompanies the residency in a new city full of contrasts invariably generates creative impulses that sooner or later manifest themselves in some form of artistic expression. Participants present their depiction of their sensations to local people by giving them a chance to view their city through the eyes of a stranger.
More about “Diffusion” and its founders/curators, participants, and partners here: