Das Giftraum /// Joel I Thomas x Schmutz x Indi
17 May 2019 – 19 May 2019
Event times
Vernissage: 19h to 01h
indi live performance: 20h to 21h
Schmutz deejays: 21h to end
Exhibition Opening Hours: Sat 18th + Sun 19th /// 17-20h
Cost of entry
- Donaustrasse 119
- Berlin
Berlin - 12043
- Germany
Joel Thomas, a frequent Schmutz collaborator, will be showing his photography for the first time in Berlin. He works with 35mm film and digitally in order to capture the dissonance between internal and external perceptions of reality.
Joel Thomas, a frequent Schmutz collaborator, will be showing his photography for the first time in Berlin and what better reason to grab some beers and bop to some good music.Joel will be showing all night in Das Giftraum with a live performance by indi and the Schmutz lads providing the after party tunes out front in Das Gift.
Joel exhibition: 19h to 01h
indi live performance: 20h to 21h
Schmutz deejays: 21h to end
Exhibition Opening Hours: Sat 18th + Sun 19th /// 17-20h
Photography works by Joel Thomas: The Berlin-based photographer is launching for business. He works with 35mm film and digitally in order to capture the dissonance between internal and external perceptions of reality. The gallery will feature his works and he’ll even have prints and shirts for you to buy.
indi: "A transdimensional doorway which sly fairies have left slightly ajar for anyone to enter."
Indi moved to Berlin last year after completing Red Bull Music Academy and signing off as co-writer in New Zealand’s Doprah. She internationally released her debut album ‘Precipice’ last year via Flying Nun Records. Her fantasy/alt. pop soundscapes will immerse you in intimate ethereality.
Schmutz deejays: Das Gift regulars, DJ Dicksaft & Alles Komplett, will be closing the night out, spinning an ungodly mix of outlaw garage smashers, lollipop post-punk, and Celine Dion.