Student Show
Coventry University Degree Show Art, Design & Photography Exhibition 2016
28 May 2016
Event times
The exhibtion repeats on the 28th & 31st May and 1st & 2nd June
10am - 5pm
Cost of entry
Coventry University
- Priory Street
- Coventry
- CV1 5FB
- United Kingdom
Peruse at your own pace the expansive work produced by our 2016 graduating students across multiple locations. Read more to find out what type of things you can see in which locations:
Architecture: Graham Sutherland, Ground Floor Lanchester Gallery
English and Creative Writing: Graham Sutherland, Room 127A
Foundation Diploma in Art & Design: Graham Sutherland, Basement Level
Individual elected pathways that encapsulates a broad spectrum of disciplines and media in relation to contemporary themes that is expressive, inventive, challenging and not without a sense of humour.
Fine Art: Graham Sutherland, 5th Floor and Basement Level
Revealing the wide breadth of approaches from painting, sculptures, print, drawing, film to installations; a must see for anyone interested in contemporary fine art and illustration.
Graphic Design: Graham Sutherland, 3rd and 4th Floor
Showcasing original and engaging, as well as functional and effective work – print/paper-based work and electronic designs of competition briefs and publicity campaigns ranging from packaging, book covers, experimental typography and interactive multimedia.
Illustration: Graham Sutherland, 3rd and 4th Floor
Encompassing contemporary work in the fields of illustration, animation, graphics and contemporary art; projects range from personal to commercial in a way that redefines the boundaries of illustration related practice.
Industrial Design: Maurice Foss, across 1st, 2nd, 3rd Floors
Interior, Product, Automotive, Transport and Boat graduating designers will be featuring sketch work, photoshop and CAD renderings, scale model-making, CGI animation, and also clay, foam and 3D printed final scale models.
Media Production: Glass Box Gallery (Earl St, Coventry) and The Tank Studio (The Hub, Coventry)
Inspiring local, national to internationally produced videos in both fictional and non fictional styles that articulate the diversity of students’ voices and students’ experiences of the world.
Photography: The Box (Fargo Village Coventry)
Bringing together broad practices and perspectives that engage photography with critical rigour and conceptual playfulness through different genres, styles and applications.