26 Jan 2007 – 25 Feb 2007
Cost of entry
- 10-16 Ashwin Street
- London
- E8 3DL
- United Kingdom
Event map
V22 ASHWINSTREET is pleased to announce the opening of CARCUS - a group show of fifteen young artists from the UK.Young and direct, CARCUS looks at artists that have shared attitudes towards the culture that surrounds them, and they use the materials that best fit into place. Imagery that plagues their minds could be something from a wood, cave or bed, but always something that allows the artist to rewrite the language that they already speak fluently.
CARCUS introduces some of the best new upcoming talent and exhibits their work as part of the gallery's ambitious programme for 2007.
Works include sculpture and painting alike ' heavy daubs and the dream of the teenage boy are interspersed with cool photo-electric collage, more traditional sculpture that boasts oscillating movements at 40,000 pulsations per minute giving a unique 3D action and new abstraction painting - refreshing with a fruity heart and a sensual floral base.