Artists Beware! Be Savvy in The Art World.
24 May 2023
Regular hours
- Wed, 24 May
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
3.96 including Eventbrite booking fees.
- 22 Hertford Road
- London
England - N1 5SH
- United Kingdom
Join us for a panel talk featuring esteemed legal expert Jon Sharples advising us in art-related matters, DACS representative Daniel Rudd, a powerhouse in intellectual property safeguarding, and respected artist Izaak Brandt.
Are you an artist? Have you ever found yourself captured in a fraudulent scheme? Have you ever been the receiver of untrustworthy conduct within the industry with your artistic endeavors?
In an era where the pursuit of quick profits has become standard practice, A.I appropriating artwork and insidious hidden charges plaguing the art world, the industry is increasingly overflowing with opportunistic schemes and potential pitfalls for artists.
Join us for a masterclass so we can learn together how to navigate these traitorous waters and safeguard both your artistic reputation and creative output.
This event will feature insights from esteemed legal expert Jon Sharples, renowned for his proficiency in art-related matters, and Daniel Rudd of DACS (Design and Artists' Copyright Society), a powerhouse on the subject of intellectual property protection. Additionally, we are so honored to welcome Sarabande artist Izaak Brandt, who will share their experiences and valuable perspective.
Prepare to empower yourself with knowledge and learn to distinguish the risks that may lie between the lines.
We can not wait to welcome you on site.