Art Woo: 'Enter the Anthropocene'
1 Dec 2016 – 3 Jan 2017
Event times
Mon 10:30am-7pm, Tue & Sun Closed
Wed-Fri 10:30am-7pm, Sat Early-5pm
Cost of entry
- 237 Kentish Town Road
- London
- NW5 2JT
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Buses: 214 and 46 from Kings Cross
- Kentish Town Station (tube and overland)
Group show featuring Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf, Sophie O’Leary, TAZ and Blanca Regina.
Flaxon Ptootch and Happenstance Art & Framing Gallery present:
Art Woo: 'Enter the Anthropocene'
"Look on light and consider its beauty. Shut your eyes, and look again: that which you see was not there before, and that which was, no longer is. Who is he who remakes it if the producer is continually dying?" - Leonardo da Vinci
Human activities have had a permanent global impact on planet Earth's geology and ecosystems. The rocks under our feet have changed. 'Enter the Anthropocene', featuring Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf, Sophie O'Leary, Blanca Regina and TAZ, is an art and sound exhibition curated for a post- climate, post-truth world. Fractal and sonic architecture emits the emotions humans used to have. Nature is an endangered species guarded by an esoteric ecology in a world where botanical gardens have the serenity of sacred graveyards. Multimedia interruptions reconstruct and repackage the previous epoch as sound and TV for the remnants of society; the planet is populated by figurine shadows daydreaming the highlights of a fantasy life while their DNA reorganises.
The Private View will include live performance by Blanca Regina (voice and electronics ) and Steve Beresford (electronics and objects).
Art Woo: 'Enter the Anthropocene' artists:
Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf, born in Madrid in1975, is an architect, visual/sound artist and composer. After starting his formal music education at a very young age, with piano as his primary instrument, towards the end of the 1990s he began to experiment with sound art and composition, while completing his architecture studies. He is currently continuing to develop his work on soundscapes, video / sound installations, researching the relationship between the different stimuli of our senses and their interaction, with a focus on spatial perception through sound and synaesthesia. www.jargstorf.com
Sophie O’Leary creates charismatic, intensely hued and emotive paintings, using collage, oils, pastels and watercolours. Sophie’s sensitively harmonic, abstract compositions are inspired by her esoteric experiences of nature and music. Early Theosophist artists such as Kandinsky, Klee and Af Klint are also a source of insight. Her interest in transcendent energy and spirit over the mundane, has a resonance which reaches beyond the conscious mind and gives form to her work. https://www.facebook.com/Sophie-OLeary-Art-1623040251246279/
TAZ. After a degree in fine arts and various experiments in different techniques (graffiti, comics, street art, fine painting etc.) TAZ settled on drawings and watercolours. His characters, created by a deep imagination and very often wearing bird heads mosquito noses, have attracted loads of attention among art lovers across Europe.
Blanca Regina is an artist, teacher and curator based in London. Her research and practice are heterogeneous and encompass expanded cinema, free improvisation, graphic and moving image, photography and performance art. She has performed with various artists, including Terry Day, Leafcutter John, Beresford and Matthias Kispert and curated a number of events and installations in London and internationally. www.whiteemotion.com
Organised and framed by Happenstance Art & Framing Gallery
+ Our Christmas sale will include artworks by paticipating artists as well as several works by Lesya Kara-Kotsya (Леся Кара-Коця)
Save the date in your diary - Thursday the 1st of December - Opening Night. The exhibition will then last till the end of December.