Art Money
8 Sep 2017
Regular hours
- Friday
- 10:00 – 18:00
Cost of entry
- Bankside
- London
- SE1 9TG
- United Kingdom
Travel Information
- Bus: 45, 63, 100, 344, 381, RV1
- Tube: Southwark/Blackfriars
- Train: London Bridge
Network with Tate specialists and artist collective Thick/er Black Lines for an evening of skill sharing for emerging artists.
Network with Tate specialists and artist collective Thick/er Black Lines for an evening of skill sharing for emerging artists.
Share skills and network in this evening for young artists and early-career arts professionals. Hear from Tate staff and discover how different parts of the art institution operate. Including practical advice on drafting contracts, representation and agents, approaching curators, invoicing, tax and grant applications alongside understanding developments in Tate’s Collection.
Thick/er Black Lines is an interdisciplinary research-led artist collective applying contemporary art theory, cultural studies and social practices to rewrite histories and to negotiate a way forward. Using print and design their intention is to artistically and intellectually testify to the Black European diaspora. Building upon an outdated framing of Black British art as new needs, professions and technologies emerge. Their work has previously shown at Project Row Houses, Texas, Round 46 alongside interventions by Black Women Artists for Black Lives Matter.
Initiated by Rianna Jade Parker, Aurella Yussuf, Hudda Khaireh and Kariima Ali