An evening of tales of stick-em-ups and robber barons, stand and deliver and corporate greed, the perfect crime, the bungled heist, the double crossing, the faked death, the starting-a -new -life -in-Rio, the Wall Street hustlers, the Mexican stand off, back stabbing, and honour amongst thieves. They'll be a roll call of the good the bad and the ugly, including Al Capone, Fred Goodwin, Robin Hood, Bonnie and Clyde, Ronnie Biggs, Ma Baker, Cat Baloo and Mr Orange.
Tonight we'll be as thick as thieves in the prohibition themed bar, on the run, holed up, gone to ground, listening to short stories by new writers and read by the team at White Rabbit. Accompanied by smokin' visuals and rambuctious music, free chip butties and literary crime quiz with prizes so great they should be illegal. Teapot cocktails available from the bar.
Please submit a story of around 1000 words responding to the theme CRIME, to areyousittingcomfortably@live.com by 15 March.
White Rabbit's Are You Sitting Comfortably? is a unique story-telling cabaret event. It provides writers with the opportunity to have their stories read aloud by performers as well as the chance to be published by their partners Ether. AreYou Sitting Comfortably? has toured to many spectacular venues in the UK including National Theatre, Thames Festival, Diamond Jubilee Pageant, Toynbee Studios, Wandsworth Arts Festival, Islington WORD2012 Festival, The Basement and Jackson's Lane.
Comic... haunting... offbeat... unexpected... an enchanted night"