
Are You A Woman In Authority?

30 Sep 2023 – 19 Nov 2023

Regular hours

12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00

Free admission

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Phoenix Art Space

Brighton, United Kingdom


Travel Information

  • Phoenix is on the main bus routes, 5, 5A, 5B, 21, 21A, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 46, 48, 49, 50, N25. For up-to-date information on bus routes and times visit www.buses.co.uk
  • Brighton station is just 10 minutes’ walk away. Turn left out of the main station. Continue downhill along Trafalgar Street, cross the main roads passing in front of St Peter’s Church, then turn left. Phoenix will be on the right, in front of the traffic lights.
Directions via Google Maps Directions via Citymapper
Event map

Broken Grey Wires and Phoenix Art Space present an exhibition of work by artists who explore empowerment, gender, and community in their practice.


Are You A Woman in Authority? communicates the powerful rhetoric behind key social issues: mental illness, class struggles, race, queerness and feminist discourse, and how these intersect. It brings together established, critically acclaimed artists and provides a platform for emerging artists.

Janine Antoni – Bobby Baker  – Lizz Brady – kevanté ac cash – Lynn Hershman Leeson  – Permindar Kaur – Sarah Lucas – Sarah Maple  – Tracey Moffatt – Jade Montserrat – Zanele Muholi – Anya Paintsil – Charlotte Prodger – Martha Rosler – Carol Sommer

How much does identity, gender, sexual preference and disability impact our opportunities in society? Do women, or those identifying as non-binary need to work harder to be successful? These questions preoccupy the curatorial vision behind Are You A Woman in Authority with works by leading artists, including Sarah Lucas, Jade Montserrat, Zanele Muholi and 2018 Turner Prize winner Charlotte Prodger. The exhibition also sees the second iteration of the Mad Manual Toolkit and The Comfort Zone.

Featuring photography, interactive installation, video and painting, the exhibition works resonate with the personal mental health experiences of Brady herself, having founded Broken Grey Wires in 2016 after a period of continued mental health crisis.


Lizz Brady

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Janine Antoni

Carol Sommer

Martha Rosler

Charlotte Prodger

Anya Paintsil

Zanele Muholi

Zanele Muholi

Jade Montserrat

Tracey Moffatt

Sarah Maple

Sarah Lucas

Sarah Lucas

Permindar Kaur

Lynn Hershman Leeson

kevanté ac cash

Bobby Baker


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