Anne-Marie Watson. Revolutions
3 Feb 2018 – 31 Mar 2018
Revolutions is a series of new works created by a laborious process of writing the same word over and over again on a single sheet of tracing paper.
Made over the course of a year, on the kitchen tables of different family and friends while Watson was living nomadically across the UK, they illustrate an extraordinary commitment, patience and strength of will for the task.Each piece introduces a new word such as authentically, openly, peacefully, courageously, which are chosen by Watson intuitively while reflecting on her values in relation to ways of living or being in the world.
The artworks are drawn using different colours in response to the feelings that the words evoke.
The word courageously, for example, is drawn in red a colour associated with power, trust and feeling grounded whereas green and pink pens are used for words associated with peace, love or growth.
Through the process of making, these works transform words into a newly charged material for producing abstract, intricate images.