

14 Aug 2010 – 10 Oct 2010

Regular hours

10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 18:00

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Plymouth Arts Centre

Devon, United Kingdom

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Ambulation is an exhibition, series of events, films and new commissions by artists and architects who use walking as an artistic practice. Investigate your everyday through the act of walking and explore the historical contexts of the city and its symbols. Live Performance and workshop by Tim Brennan Wand Performance: Fri 3 Sept, 7pm Walkshop: Sat 18 Sept, 11am — 4pm Come to a 20 minute live performance by Tim Brennan, which takes the walking stick as a sculptural emblem. If you would like to join in then purchase your own walking stick from the artist and document the use of it in a Walkshop. Guided Walk by Phil Smith Things-Meanings Walk: Weds 8 Sept, 6.30pm Meeting outside the Brittania Inn, Plymouth Phil Smith guides a walk testing out ‘Things- Meanings'. The objects from the exhibition, made by designer Polly Macpherson, will be discussed during the walk. Guided walk by Simon Persighetti and Tony Whitehead TRACKS Saturday 11 September, 12pm and 2pm Come on a guided walk by Simon Persighetti and Tony Whitehead, which leads you through the city of Plymouth via its musical history. Using found and archive forms these sonic drifters invite you to experience the tracks of the 50s, 60s, and 70s down the grooves and backstreets of the city. Ambulation 14 August — 10 October Guided Walk With Jeremy Gould For Heritage Open Days See page 7 for details. Salon South West Reading group discussion: Weds 29 Sept, 6pm Salon South West hosts an evening looking into the themes and ideas that surround Ambulation. Salon South West aims to provide a supportive environment in which visual artists can explore their critical understanding of visual arts practice. View the text at: http://salonsouthwest.wordpress.com Discussion with Paula Orrell and Mark James The Itinerant Talk Tuesday 14 September, 6:30pm In this talk Paula Orrell, Curator at Plymouth Arts Centre, and Mark James, Keeper of the Itinerant Toolkit, discuss curatorial practice and give an examination of Ambulation. www.theitineranttoolkit.org.uk Guided Walk by Bridgette Ashton Pedestrian Plymouth: Thurs 30 Sept, 6pm Bridgette Ashton leads a guided walk explaining some of the ideas, themes, and sights that are included in her map Pedestrian Plymouth: A Guide to Aimless Wandering. Advanced booking essential. For full details on these events visit www.plymouthartscentre.org. Ambulation has been curated by Mark A James as part of the Plymouth Visual Arts Consortium


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