
Alternative Futures: Creativity and the Circular Economy

12 Apr 2019

Regular hours

12:00 – 18:00

Cost of entry

Full price: £15 | UAL students and staff: £10

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We think, make and live in shapes – running around in circles, squaring the circle, with our circle of friends. It turns out that the new thinking around sustainability has a shape too - the ‘circular economy’ - where going around in circles is a good thing!


Alternative Futures: Creativity and the Circular Economy will explore the move away from the straight lines of the linear economy – the line that goes from make, waste, dispose – to lines and shapes that make for sustainable living and making. The attraction of the circular economy, with its virtuous circle of production and consumption, and zero-waste up-cycling, will be cross-examined by practitioners from business, design, fashion, art and performance, including Professor in Culture and Creative Arts at the University of Glasgow, Kate Oakley; Senior Campaign Strategist at Greenpeace, Sara Ayech; India-based textile design and production house, Khaloom and artist collective from Spain, Basurama.

A day of inspirational talks, workshops and performances will explore how we might use circularity as a framework for the distribution of wealth, what might ethical circular practice look like, and how might this transformative way of making and creating, change our relationship to objects, people and ourselves?

This event is produced by the Culture and Enterprise Programme at Central Saint Martins.


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