All the things in between
22 Oct 2016
Event times
10:00am - 18:00pm for public entry
18:00pm - midnight for private launch party
Cost of entry
- 35 Brewer Street
- London
- W1F 0RX
- United Kingdom
The first major exhibition of Henry Landon's fractal light art sculpture; designed using the Fibonacci sequence the piece is an enticing illusionary experience that invites you to look, and keep on looking.
Henry is a designer and maker. His portfolio of work spread through the realms of interior design, product design and art. He has worked at some of the top architecture and design practices in the world and has had work exhibited at the Royal Academy’s summer exhibition and the Cityscape exhibition in Dubai.
In October 2016 he presents his latest’s art work “All the things in between”, a piece of Light Art created using the Fibonacci sequence. The main influence of the work comes from the reoccurring fractal patterns found in nature and the mathematical principal of the Golden Section.
The Fibonacci sequence is the mathematical formula discovered by Leonardo Pisano in 1202.This formula can be seen throughout the natural world -from a snails shell to the spiralling arms of a galaxy and everything in between.
The work is constructed from walnut wood, bronze and Perspex and is internally lit. Made of 20 segments that combine to form a fractal image, the multiple layers of wood and metal combined to give movement to the piece. The dimension of each segment conforms to the ratio of the Golden section which is derived from the Fibonacci sequence and has been used by artist and designers for centuries.