Aki Sasamoto: Phase Transition
14 Sep 2019
Regular hours
- Sat, 14 Sep
- 16:00 – 17:00
Travel Information
- U2 Potsdamer Platz
Part of the exhibition "Walking Through Walls"
"Phase Transition", a newly commissioned work, consists of a sculpture and a performance, in which artist Aki Sasamoto traces a childhood memory.
Sasamoto remembers as a child pressing her ear hard against the floor in an attempt to hear a conversation between family members on the floor below. Referring to this early experience of separation, the artist makes use of a broken staircase, which has been dislodged from its landing, as well as a balcony, which hangs high on one of the gallery walls. These elements become a performative tool for the artist to reflect and evoke her own experience of domestic estrangement. "Phase Transition" is part of the exhibition "Walking Through Walls".