Agora Collective & Import Projects: Cibelle Cavalli Bastos
7 Dec 2017 – 16 Dec 2017
Travel Information
- U Bahn Wittenbergplatz
This edition of I am Hungry under the title [BASTOS )] #deprogram #unlearn #closedloop #ævtarperform #aevtarperform #avtarperform is a co-production between Import Projects e.V. and Agora Collective e.V. and is funded by CAPP - Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme.
For this edition Import Projects and Agora Collective work closely with the artist Cibelle Cavalli Bastos through their research into processes of reflection upon layers of identity and deprograming.During this 6-months cycle of the residency, the artist has self-placed into situations for auto-observation. They have moved into the studio space “as is” and lived in a tent on the bed right in the middle of the studio as their residence surrounded by life’s contents that had been locked away for a number of years during a nomadic period of life.
Being daily confronted with fragments and residues of the flux of self and the effects of this self-analytical process. The artist has been using instastories and live broadcasts via the @cibellecibelle account documenting every insight of the deprogramming process somewhat operating like a mirror aevetar for a closedloop reflection all the while in an exercise of non-performance conduct.
The ongoing (non)performance piece #aevtarperform started on January 2nd 2017, the artist’s birthday, and has of yet no date to conclude. For this exhibition, Cibelle has brought from Agora to Import Projects mementos of the process that function as devices for deprogramming activation.
Leading up to this edition of I AM HUNGRY we invite you to follow @cibellecibelle on instagram, turn notifications on and watch the live and instastories that stay up for 24h.
Final Events of the I AM HUNGRY:
7th Dec - Solo-Exhibition Opening: [BASTOS )] #deprogram #unlearn #closedloop #ævtarperform #aevtarperform #avtarperform at Import Projects Berlin, Germany with Oozing Gloop.
11th Dec - Artist Talk + Performance ´Debinarise` + Conversation with Raphael Dernbach and Max Dax at Import Projects Berlin, Germany
15th Dec (date to be confirmed)- #aevtarperform #timeloop II perfomance during dinner organised by Bon Bock at Import Projects Berlin, Germany
16th Dec - End Party (Pelvic) at Agora Collective Berlin, Germany