"Addressing" Finissage | Ende mit Tauschmarkt und Performance
4 Feb 2024
Regular hours
- Sun, 04 Feb
- 14:00 – 19:00
Free admission
- im Köllnischen Park
- Berlin
Berlin - 10179
- Germany
The Bärenzwinger invites everyone from near and far to come together, exchange ideas and listen to each other at the end of the “Addressing” exhibition.
The last exhibition of the annual “Gleaning” programme has been running for the past three months. The Bärenzwinger looked both inwards and outwards and examined its social and cultural position in the urban environment. “Addressing” is an attempt to reflect on its own role as an art institution in the northern part of Luisenstadt.
The two collectives POLIGONAL and spätispäti were invited to explore the urban environment from an artistic and urban sociological perspective and to open up the Bärenzwinger to neighbours, make it more visible and activate it as a place of participation.
Swap your “darlings” at the swap market with spätispäti and enjoy the live mix and the accompanying performance by POLIGONAL, PLÜMMO and Candaş Baş (Constanza Macras / DorkyPark)
When: Sunday 04.02.2024, from 2 pm
Free entry
2 pm continuous
Swap Market in the context of “Kill your Darlings!”
What do you hold on to? What can you (not) part with? The spätispäti collective uses the former cages as collective cellar rooms and invites you to temporarily lock up personal objects, favourites, (darlings) there – personal objects become part of the exhibition. This collection brings the neighbourhood inside the gallery.
Over the course of the exhibition, a collection has emerged that reflects what is (un)important to the visitors.
The question of what we hold on to now becomes serious at the end of the exhibition: the owners can decide whether they can part with their favourite object in the long term and release it at the swap market during the finissage or whether they want to take it home again. Meanings and owners change. Bring your darling by! Swap it! Or pick it up again!
4 pm
Performance by POLIGONAL X PLÜMMO X Candaş Baş (Constanza Macras / DorkyPark)
The dystopic landscape of the Bärenzwinger becomes an acoustic space of movement: The archival installation “B10179” by POLIGONAL and PLÜMMO (on display since November 7, 2023) provides the framework and soundtrack for a dance exploration by performer Candaş Baş (Constanza Macras / DorkyPark) through the spaces of the former cage.
In the polyphonic live-mixed tapestry by PLÜMMO (Nihad El-Kayed) consisting of anecdotes from local actors, distorted field recordings from the surrounding urban landscape, sonified social data, and statistics from the real estate industry, urban transformation processes and capitalist exploitation dynamics translate into a vocabulary of movements.