Adam Rzepecki (b. 1950) is known for his works that in a brilliant way speak about art's most important matters. About what is true and what is false, about the status of an artist, about politics and about male-female relations. Adam usually avoided making a serious face, so he used to speak about serious problems without pretensions, often in a playful way. I noticed, however, that already for some time his art was getting less and less humorous. In his works, personal themes, such as his lost love, hospital stay, alcohol problems ended with abstinence, began to appear with greater intensity. At the exhibition, we present a series of sculptures made of cardboard painted with black paint. In fact, they are not sculptures, but rather notes from Adam's life gathered on the gallery floor. After years of humor and participation in all the exhibitions of Łódź Kaliska, it is now time for something serious. In every joke there is a bit of a joke, says the Russian proverb, although it may not be Russian at all.