A Tale of Hidden Histories
16 Mar 2019 – 19 May 2019
Event times
daily: 10 AM - 7 PM
- IJpromenade 1
- Amsterdam
North Holland - 1031 KT
- Netherlands
A Tale of Hidden Histories - Broomberg & Chanarin, Omer Fast, Chia-Wei Hsu, Meiro Koizumi
A Tale of Hidden Histories shows how artists use not only film and video, but also slide projections, documents, photographs and sound to explore, deconstruct and ‘unmask’ stories about history. The artists deploy these techniques to expose the subjectivity of historical sources and limitations of memory. In this way, they investigate how stories are constructed and how they change when told and retold from various perspectives.
Many of the works on display illuminate history in conflict zones: places in the world where truth and fiction are unstable, and where smaller, individual histories often illustrate a larger socio-political reality. The exhibition is accompanied by a programme of films, talks and events in the cinemas entitled ‘Shell Shock – Post Traumatic Cinema’.