A Chinese Aesthetician and Theorist
8 Nov 2020
Regular hours
- Sun, 08 Nov
- 20:00 – 20:45
Timezone: Europe/London
- Language: English
- Join the event
Curious about what 95-year old philosophy of aesthetics, Mr Guo, has to say about harmony, art, green health, ecology, and COVID-19?
Mr Guo Yin (郭因) is a distinguished aesthetician in China, an eminent theorist of art history, the initiator of the Green Culture and Green Aesthetics Theory, and a 95-year-old man who has spent his life dedicated to creating and pursuing a world with harmony.
Our conversation will also feature the exclusive release of his recently remastered song “wish” to an English speaking audience.
Mr Guo answers 5 questions on:
- His theory of aesthetics and lifework
- How we should think about health and the pandemic
- The role of art and green aesthetics
- What we can learn from Huizhou culture
- His advice to Cov360
”I believe that one can only be fully healthy when they achieve harmony of their body and mind, harmony with other people, and also with natural and built environments.“
This event is the culmination of a massive team effort over 3 months. A huge thank you to the team, from Jonathan Zhang in Boston to Jìngrán Shèng in Hangzhou helping with translation. And in Europe, Adrian Holgate in London on video production, and Tremayne Beckford in Cardiff, Alec Strobal and Viktoria Roussina in Berlin helping with promotions.