Independent Space


London, United Kingdom


  • Waterlow Park Centre
  • Dartmouth Park Hill
  • London
  • England
  • N19 5JF
  • United Kingdom

Opening times

10:00am - 6:00pm

Travel Information

Tube / Metro: Archway station (Northern Line) is a 10 minute walk away (via Highgate Hill)
Bus: Buses: 143, 210, 271 (Waterlow Park Lauderdale House from Archway / Highgate Hill Hornsey Lane towards Archway) W5 (Cromwell Avenue) 214 (Ponds Square, then access Waterlow Park through Upper Swains Lane Gate) 4, C11 (Magdala Avenue, then walk up Dartmouth Park Hill)
Train: Trains: Upper Holloway station is a 15 minute walk away

LUX is an international arts agency for the support and promotion of artists’ moving image practice and the ideas that surround it. 

Founded in 2002 as a charity and not-for-profit limited company, LUX builds on a lineage of predecessor organisations (The London Filmmakers Co-operative, London Video Arts and The Lux Centre) which stretch back to the 1960s. 

LUX is the only organisation of its kind in the UK;  represents the country’s only significant collection of artists’ film and video; and is the largest distributor of such work in Europe. LUX works with a large number of major institutions including museums, galleries, festivals and educational establishments, as well as directly with the public and artists. The organisation’s main activities are distribution, exhibition, publishing, education, research,  and professional development support for artists and arts professionals.


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