Jose Dávila: Sense of Place
16 Sep 2017 – 27 May 2018
LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division)
Los Angeles, United States
LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 committed to curating site-specific public art exhibitions in Los Angeles and beyond. LAND believes that all people deserve the opportunity to experience innovative contemporary art in their everyday existence, to enhance their quality of life and ways of thinking about their community. In turn, artists deserve the opportunity to realize projects in the public realm, unsupported through traditional institutions. LAND brings contemporary art outside of the walls of museums and galleries, into our shared public spaces and unique sites, in Los Angeles and beyond.
LAND supports dynamic and unconventional artistic practices using a tripartite approach:
LAND’s innovative exhibitions and programming structure features three main types, or scales, of programming:
Large-scale, multi-site, multi-artist exhibitions (group thematic shows that exist over time and space) Monographic exhibitions or discrete group exhibitions One-night ephemeral performances and durational events