Carlos Amorales & Dr. Lakra
01 May 2021 – 20 Jun 2021
kurimanzutto out east
East Hampton, United States
kurimanzutto is pleased to have a summer space located in East Hampton, New York through September where it joins a community of galleries participating in the continued history of art making and presentation of the area. kurimanzutto is currently showing works by Carlos Amorales and Dr. Lakra.
The Black Cloud series works by Carlos Amorales intentionally play with the idea of pattern and their subsequent meaning. They skew the understanding of a print by creating a unique, hand made work that is evocative of an easily replicable one. The use of butterflies and moths originated from the artists’s visit with his grandmother and the realization of her inevitable passing. It lead him to think of the cyclical departure of butterfly species between his native Mexico and Canada, where individuals become beautifully defined by their collective.