Cultural Organisation


Berlin, Germany


  • Auguststrasse 10
  • Berlin
  • Berlin
  • 10117
  • Germany

Kunsthaus KuLe is a nonprofit cultural organisation located in a five-storey altbau building on Auguststraße in Mitte-Berlin. The house was originally squatted by a group of art students from the former ‘West Berlin’, shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, in the summer 1990. Founded as a community of creative practitioners and as a living project, the house is called KuLe (short for Kultur und Leben / Culture and Life). 

To support its renovation, the house-project received funding from the Berlin Senat to create four floors of dedicated living space (one of which consists of the communal kitchen, dining and lounge), a theatre and a façade gallery. 
For over 20 years, the community has cultivated many diverse artistic practices in various fields, including visual art, contemporary dance, art history, philosophy, theatre, experimental and electronic music. 
Kunsthaus KuLe was since 1990 a home for around 500 people as residents or guests from all over the world, from Europe (Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Norway, Poland, Rumania, Switzerland) Australia, China, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Tasmania, USA, Belorussia. 


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