The Smoke of a Prayer by Žilvinas Landzbergas
04 Feb 2022 – 06 Mar 2022
Kaunas Picture Gallery
Kaunas, Lithuania
The gallery was opened in 1979 (architects Liucija Gedgaudienė, Jonas Navakas).
Its original purpose was to serve as a gallery for M. Žilinskas Collection, which had been donated to Kaunas. However, soon it became obvious that the entire collection could not fit into this building, therefore the plans for a new building were undertaken. Today, Lithuanian and international art is displayed in this gallery, as well as the community platform “Backup stories” exhibitions. Kaunas picture gallery invites the visitors to George Maciunas' (Jurgis Mačiūnas) Fluxus room. It features works by J. Mačiūnas, Jonas Mekas, Joseph Beuys, Miek (Chiek) Shiomi, Ben Vautier, George Brecht, and other members of the Fluxus movement - non-traditional books, examples of postal art, prints, objects, and even more. There are works of Lithuanian authors (Jolanta Janavičienė, Jurgis Janavičius, Redas Diržys, Naglis R. Baltušnikas, group “Post-Ars”, Kęstutis Grigaliūnas), dedicated to this movement. The visitors can also get acquainted with Ay-O installation “Black Hole” and Takako Saito installation “Mano mano Theatre”.
The gallery hosts educational programs for people of different ages – from children to senior citizens.