Independent Space

Interior and the collectors

Lyon, France


  • 40 rue Tramassac
  • Lyon
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • 69005
  • France

Opening times

saturday 2pm - 7pm or by appointment

Travel Information

Tube / Metro: Vieux Lyon
Bus: Vieux Lyon

Interior and the collectors is an artist run-space. It’s not a conventional venue but an apartment in an old building in the center of Lyon that can be rented for one or several nights. The public is invited into a private space to show art in the intimacy of a flat which is not designed for it but for everyday life. Here, we become the collectors and we choose the artists not through answering to a particular topic or problematic but with a more personal logic that lets us mix different genders and combine emerging and established artists. A private space gives us the possibility of total freedom, a local and dense exchange that builds on the fondations of a multicultural and meaningful art, another way to see an exhibition.


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