- Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina, 1150 Vila Leopoldina
- São Paulo
- State of São Paulo
- 05305 002
- Brazil
Opening times
Visiting hours:
Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 12pm to 6pm
admittance is free
Reading Room: scheduling by email at
Holidays: Galpão VB holiday opening hours will be made available ahead of time on the news section of the Videobrasil website and on our social media.
Mediated visits to Galpão VB may be scheduled by e-mail at
A space to house exhibitions, actions, reflection, meetings and research, Galpão VB was designed to activate the video collection amassed throughout Associação Cultural Videobrasil’s three decades of activity. Focusing on production from the global South, the Videobrasil Collection contains pieces featured in the Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil, artworks donated by artists, key international video art pieces, recorded performances, statements, documentaries, publications, and documents amounting to close to 10,000 items – 4,500 of them have been catalogued and are available for public consultation.
At the Galpão, the collection feeds a permanent program of video shows, exhibitions, actions and public programs. Spanning 800m2, the facility comprises a gallery, a video room, a reading room, and a garden and open-air arena. In the Reading Room, visitors have access to the Video Library, featuring over 1,300 artworks, recorded performances and documentaries; to a visual arts library comprising over 3,000 titles; and to PLATFORM:VB, an online research and curatorial tool.
The first facility to feature visual arts programs in São Paulo’s West Side district of Vila Leopoldina, Galpão VB is set to open to the public in October 2015. It also boasts a bicycle parking and a store offering publications by publishers Cobogó and CosacNaify, as well as the complete collection of books, magazines and documentaries produced by Videobrasil.