
Fondazione Marta Czok

Castel Gandolfo, Italy


  • Museo Fondazione Marta Czok
  • Via Prati 3 – 5 – 7
  • Castel Gandolfo
  • Lazio
  • 00073
  • Italy

The Marta Czok Foundation (Fondazione Marta Czok), based in Rome and Venice, is dedicated to the creation of artistic and cultural projects in Italy and internationally, with a particular focus on the dissemination and study of the work of Marta Czok. The Foundation has a dedicated Museum for the permanent collection of Czok's work in Castel Gandolfo (Rome), as well as a new Project Space in Venice. The Foundation is recognised by the National Register of the Third Sector (Italy) and is a member of the global network World Art Foundations.


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