31 Oct 2009
Exit Here Studios
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Bus: Take the 56,57,58,59 88,89 bus up Mansfield Road
Exit Here use the very primitive nature of exchange to develop projects and events that use fictional narratives and constructed contexts to tempt the inquisitive nature of its audience. Signing up to an Exit Here project plunges its participants into the projects specifically constructed environment, in which it becomes a necessity to actively engage, and seek both answers and solutions to complete what Exit Here have created. Exit Here seek the innovative response and risk in unexpected forms.
Exit Here is placed under a strict process of constant re-evaluation and consequent development of its inner group collaborative workings. Collaborators working within the structure of Exit Here are in a constant state of flux, as its methods morph specifically from project to project.
Submerge yourself within the constructed charades and riddles placed before you. We at Exit Here await your response.