
Centre D'art le Lait

Albi, France


  • Moulins Albigeois
  • 41 rue Porta
  • Albi
  • France
  • 81000
  • France

The Le LAIT Art Centre is a research labo­ra­tory dedi­ca­ted to contem­po­rary art and how it is dis­se­mi­na­ted: pro­duc­tion of new works, exhi­bi­tions, help with artists’ pro­jects, docu­men­tary films, publi­ca­tions, lec­tu­res, artists’ resi­den­cies, cultu­ral pro­gram­mes, and media­tion…

Le LAIT, International Art Laboratory in the Tarn (sou­th­west France), is invol­ved with both emer­ging and inter­na­tio­nally renow­ned artists. Its area of inves­ti­ga­tion is based on cur­rent art praxes at the very highest level, and chal­len­ges social issues. For more than 30 years, the Le LAIT Art Centre has been ope­ra­ting at dif­fe­rent regio­nal levels, with a diverse range of part­ners, public and pri­vate alike. Its sphere of influence is local, regio­nal, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal. All year round it plays host to a broad public, art-lovers of all ages and ori­gins. It deve­lops made-to-mea­sure pro­gram­mes for schools, stu­dents, col­lec­tors, and cultu­ral ins­ti­tu­tions, as well as elec­ted offi­cials and asso­cia­tions…

The Le LAIT Art Centre is part of the DCA net­work (French asso­cia­tion for the deve­lop­ment of art cen­tres), the IKT net­work(International asso­cia­tion of contem­po­rary art cura­tors), the LMAC(Laboratory of Contemporary Art Mediation in the Midi-Pyrénées), and the Air de Midi net­work (Regional asso­cia­tion of art cen­tres), as well as La Caravane (a group of cultu­rally invol­ved per­sons in the Pays de l’Albigeois et des Bastides).

Permanent ins­ti­tu­tio­nal part­ners:
Regional Office of Cultural Affairs (DRAC)/Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Département of the Tarn, the Midi-Pyrénées Region, and the City of Albi.


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