
Masculinities: Art Tour at the Barbican Centre

11 Mar 2020

by Sandy Di Yu

How do Masculinities manifest in contemporary culture? This exhibition at the Art Gallery in the Barbican Centre attempts to answer questions about sexuality and gender with an in-depth look at various iterations of masculinity as seen through photography and film. Join us on this video tour of the show to get a sneak peek of what this exhibition is all about.

On February 27, 2020, ArtRabbit visited the art gallery at the Barbican Centre, where the exhibition Masculinities: Liberation through Photography was held. The artworks on display spanned surprising displays of vulnerability in military practices and subversive acts of identity, featuring widely celebrated artists from around the world. Names you can expect include Catherine Opie, Wolfgang Tillmans, Richard Mosse, Masahisa Fukase, Peter Hujar, Samuel Fosso, to list but a tiny fraction of contributing artists.

Join us and watch some highlights from the show in our video art tour of Masculinities: Liberation through Photography:

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