Building on our off-site successes in the Whitgift Centre, Croydon in 2009 in The Presence of Absence and Shop (www.britvisualartsdoesshop.blogspot.com,) the BRIT Visual Arts and Design department are heading out to the heart of the East London art scene, at The Rag Factory, the former studios of two prominent YBAs.
The show, YOUNG BRIT SCHOOL ARTISTS (YBsA,) is named in reference to the likes of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst in the radical Young British Artists (YBA) movement, key in the 1990s.YBsA is a showcase of work by 14-19 year old artists and designers, experimenting with painting, photography, drawing, craft, jewellery, fashion illustration, graphics, textiles, print, live art, video, sculpture, community projects and interdisciplinary arts.
Throughout the show, you can take part in a collaborative tribute to Alexander McQueen, through a stencilled fabric memorial on which you can leave your mark, perhaps with a drawing, image or words. It's up to the audience member to decide.
The Private View includes alTURNERtive prize judging of our painting and photography prize. This will be at 7pm with Oliver Evans, Assistant Director at Maureen Paley gallery, Bethnal Green (www.maureenpaley.com) and Arts correspondent for Dazed and Confused and artist Yara El Sherbini (www.yaraelsherbini.com.) You could also win a surprise piece of work by a young artist in the giant live art lucky dip. Participate in other performative events, enjoy a cupcake or a few iced gems too.
Year 13 BTEC National Diploma Art and Design: alTURNERtive Prize Inspired by both the Turner prize and experimental approaches to painting and photography, students have been encouraged to develop work which questions or transcends the norm, in, for example, traditions of fixing an image, or the conventions of canvas and brush. In another project, they have created a potently visual tableaux of contemporary myths, urban legends, and traditional folklore brought to life through printmaking. Also on display will be a show reel of community work in which students led workshops with St Christopher's Hospice, (http://www.britvisualartsdoesstchristophers09.blogspot.com) and worked with artist Clara Garcia-Fraile (http://www. claragarciafraile.com) on a Year 6 animation project with Rockmount Primary School, Upper Norwood.
Year 10 BTEC First Diploma Art and Design students invite you to come and experience the essence of East London through their Whitechapel market inspired stall; browse crafty wares from embroidery, to organic jewellery and canvas shopping bags.
Year 11 BTEC and GCSE Art and Design: Interactive portraits: BTEC Students have created multi-sensory art works, through audio or text based portraits inspired by their own or others' poems. Listen to or read the poems whilst studying their acrylic portraits. GCSE students work is a series of handcrafted portraits, created through print, needlepoint, felt and hand embroidery. BTEC students also used themes from the play The Trial by Steven Berkoff in a collaborative visual journey with Year 11 Theatre, to create a beautiful and haunting illustrated backdrop of a 1940s era. This features dark, sinister inked-out hallways, oppressed and vulnerable bleached out faces and evokes an atmosphere echoed in the actions and costume on stage. Extracts of the film for the performances will be on show.
Year 12 BTEC National Diploma Art and Design students present a playful mix of video, sound and live art works exploring the theme Dialogue, from the confessional to the absurd to the relationship we have with food. In their fashion visualisation project, Made in England they have taken on the role of young, up and coming fashion designers for a pilot magazine with dramatic illustrations that communicate the essence of Britain. Take your own copy away with you.
A2 Level Art and Design Outcomes from a project Society will be presented in a range of graphic and fine art responses. Sub-themes include stereotypes, humour and isolation. Students' work reflects our 'society,' questioning the viewer and asking them to consider our identity and social interaction.
YBsA @ RAG FACTORY, 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ
27-28TH MARCH 2010, 11-4pm/11-3pm
PRIVATE VIEW: SATURDAY 27TH MARCH 5-9PM including live events (£4/£2)
Tickets for the Private View on the door only, please arrive early to avoid queuing.
About BRIT Visual Arts: http://www.brit.croydon.sch.uk/artindex.html
Contact: Harriet Poole hpoole@brit.croydon.sch.uk