
Who are you wearing?

29 Sep 2022 – 30 Sep 2022

Regular hours

10:00 – 17:00
by appointment
10:00 – 17:00
by appointment

Free admission

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‘Who are you wearing’ is a three-part exhibition about the role of public image in art, featuring artists who use public image as part of their medium.


Regency-era dandies fancied a wasp-waisted broad-shouldered look. Were they anything more than ghosts, when one knows that their cravats were so rigid that even if they vanished – as one commentator jokes –- their shape would remain in place? Isn’t the cravat itself the real dandy and the body just a wandering image, inside this rag-figure of style?

Celebrities now paint, and for a good reason, for fame authorizes vision and wealth in a cycle of celestial equivalence. An unnerving development for some, as it might be, and an epoch of champagne and celebration for us, cynics anonymous of the art worlds international.

Bas Jan Ader disappeared at sea, and for good reason, as good as anybody’s ever had, for disappearance is the act of turning inside out the hide of the artist, which –, as proven by dead dandies, painters, hanged thieves and red carpet history– - is dotted with a million stars.

What to expect? Toggle


Tommy Camerno

Ariel Heyles

Exhibiting artistsToggle

Daria Blum

Daria Blum

Tommy Camerno

Racheal Crowther

Enver Hadzijaj

Ariel Helyes

Michael Ho

Jack O'Brien

Garrett Pruter

Francisco Zhan


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